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o r g a n y z e 2 . 1
Maintain several versions of backed-up fles. Use a reasonable
(optimum) number that best suits your needs.
Ideally, maintain diferent numbers of versions for diferent folders
[e.g., you may wish to maintain only one additional version of an
archived folder, from which you may access fles once in a rare while,
but maintain many (say, fve) versions of the most active folders,
which you access every day, so that you can recall earlier content you
have deleted on diferent days].
Scheduled backup to assure automatic backup, or manual backup of
fxed settings.
There is no restore function for the back up of files and folders.
The reason: unlike with some other backup software, Organyze
backs up your files and folders in the normal way or, if you prefer
it, in a compressed format. All you need to do is go to the location
in which the backup is maintained, and open (or unzip and then
open) the file.
Note 1:
THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT —Unless you’re backing up an entire
drive every time (convenient to confgure but not efcient, since
it will slow down the process),
you need to create fresh backup
confgurations for new folders you have created, which lie
outside existing folders being automatically backed up.
You need not bother about this if your new folders are inside
existing folders that are being automatically backed up.
Note 2:
Backing up an entire drive at one go causes another difculty:
you cannot then set diferent numbers of versions (or other
options) for diferent folders. All the folders will have to be set
for the same number of versions; this means that either you
will have too few versions for your active versions, or, if you set
many versions for the entire drive (and hence all the folders in
the drive), you could quickly run out of space in the destination
drive or machine.
Note 3:
If you have Organyze installed on your machine, you can back
up your folders on another machine, even if that machine does