o r g a n y z e 2 . 1
C H A P T E R 1 8
Organyze helps you synchronize folders in diferent machines (desktops,
laptops), through the medium of storage devices like pen drives or a
folder in a hard disk which will act as an intermediate storage device.
By default, the synchronize module in Organyze
does not delete fles
in the destination folder if they do not exist in the source folder. So you
need not worry about loss of data as a result of synchronization.
You can choose to synchronize selectively:
One-way (which is like a backup with the option of including some
or all the tags) or two-way (default: one-way).
Include or exclude sub-folder (default: include).
Include or exclude various fle formats (default: all).
Specify the date range for modifed, created or accessed dates. The
purpose of this feature: When you synchronize two machines with
large storage spaces via a device like a pen drive with much less
space, you may need to delete older contents of folders from the
pen drive to create space. By setting dates, you ensure that older fles
are not copied to the pen drive all over again.
Include bookmarks, labels and comments.
You can save your synchronization settings (i.e., source and destination
folders plus the other conditions mentioned above). Once you have saved
these settings, whenever you need to sync a folder, just select the desired
setting froma stored list and click on the button‘Start sync’. You can also
delete any of these settings, or edit them (such as when you wish to change
the destination folder, or the inclusion or exclusion of any itemor date range).
Note 1:
Why does Organyze not delete fles while synchronizing?
Let’s say you need to copy to your laptop, say, only 10 fles