o r g a n y z e 2 . 1
relevant to a client you are going to meet on your sales call, out
of a total of 100 fles in the source folder in your desktop; you do
not copy the rest because it’s not needed. On your trip you edit
three fles and create two more fles. On your return when you
synchronize from the laptop to the desktop, the default setting
in Organyze will merely copy the three edited fles (which will
overwrite the older ones) and the two new fles to the desktop
folder; it will not delete anything from the destination folder
because it doesn’t exist (or has been deleted) in the source
folder. So you end up with 102 fles in your destination folder in
the desktop. If you allowed delete, you would have only 12 fles
because the remaining 90 would get deleted.
Note 2:
Why not use backup instead of synchronization in this
situation? The reason is that the synchronization function
also backs up the tags to your fles and folders. So, if you have
added labels or comments to some of the 10 fles you have
carried with you on your trip, or to the two new fles you have
created, these labels will get transferred to the desktop folder
(which doesn’t happen when you do a backup).
Note 3:
This doesn’t mean your labels cannot be backed up. In fact,
your Organyze set-up will not allow you to begin using