o r g a n y z e 2 . 1
which of the various documents you’ve sent out have a hosting section
or clause in them. Where past documents contain information about
hosting, you have already labeled them with the label ‘hosting’ (besides
other labels relating to what those documents contain).
You also know that the information you seek should be relatively recent.
So you select the date range for the past three years, and the labels ‘hosting’
and‘proposal’- and Organyze fetches the relevant documents instantly! You
don’t have to go fromone client folder to another, or search through your
archives or, for that matter, through your recent folders.
It’s so easy! Try this with old photographs, songs, and other fles.
To see how fast you can fnd fles
with Organyze, try this: attach one
of a couple of labels (say, ‘Testing’ and ‘Trial’) to many fles in diferent
folders, sub-folders and drives in your machine (using any of the
methods described in previous chapters for attaching labels). Then open
the ‘Manage fles / folders’ window of Organyze, and select one of the
labels. Almost instantaneously you will see a list of fles with that label
in the main work area (on the right). Select the other label; and you will
immediately see a list of fles with this other label. It really doesn’t matter
where those fles are stored.
Think of howmuch time you have saved,
which you would otherwise
have spent going from drive to drive, folder to folder, sub-folder to
sub-folder and scrolling up and down the lists to fnd what you needed.
Think of howmuch time Organyze can help you save in a year!
may be releasing at least 10 to 15 days of time this way, which you could
use to do other work – or see a movie, or just relax!
This saving is in addition to the time and effort you save in other
including adding value to your files and folders, backing up,
and synchronization – besides having the assurance of data safety
that results from automatic, routine backups that happen very fast
without your having to spend any time on them once you have
configured them.